29 maj, 2012

for Luna E and me -

I know that I have done a lot about shoes, but I grew up in a home with a lot of shoes and I guess the passion for them went with me, when I left home.

Now we share this pair of shoes, Luna and I.
She's got the cute red ones and I just love wearing these black ones - they were a gift from my father.
Thank you <3

28 maj, 2012

Mokkasin love -

I just search the Internet the other day and I am daily following this wonderful and inspiring blog.
I discovered that she has a very nice web-shop with a great bunch of stuff which is not seen everywhere and I really liked it. 
Here is my three favorites...

23 maj, 2012

Clothing investment -

I recently made some new investment for  my girl. 

#1 Lovely white sandals from Saltwater Sandals
#2 Grey melange sweatshirt with embroidery from Soft Gallery
#3 Cici pants from Soft Gallery
#4 Funny dress from BangBang Cph

22 maj, 2012

home wallpaper and decoration -

I just got some new stuff for my new apartment.
I ordered this great looking wallpaper from Ferm-Living with harlequin print on it in a lovely mint color. 

The sweet pictures are from Fine Little day and a copy of an old Flora Danica flower print. 
At my new place this is going to hang at the lovely mint tapestry and in the dark brown frames, it's gonna be great.

My little girl is enjoying the warm sunny weather - and I lobe enjoying it with her. 

16 maj, 2012

collection of Daisy -

I know...
I never in my wildest imagination thought that I had this many boxes. I just went around my house and took with me all of the Daisy boxes I could find and this is the result

Now I just need to reorganize them so that they actually have a function

13 maj, 2012

liberty jacket -

my sister one day suggested that I took the traditionally idea of an chinese jacket and combined it with the concept of a hoody. I thought it was a great idea and it would be even better if I did it in liberty fabric. My absolute favorite. 

I asked my dear mother in law if she could help me and this is the result and I nothing but love it. 
It is adorable and already many of my friends have asked for her to create some for their kids. 

What do you think of this flower-power jacket?

10 maj, 2012


I love this danish based company creating very simple basic clothes for children and women.
I owned a lot of their clothes for my daughter and I find it extremely good quality. 
I can only recommend it for everyone who does not already know it - plus it is 100% organic. 

07 maj, 2012

Summer style -

Jeg elsker at matche og sammensætte tøj. Specielt når jeg har min datter, in mind. 
Her er et par eksempler på, hvad jeg virkelig godt kunne se hende i her henover sommeren. 

In english:
I love styling and I especially love styling on behalf of my daughter.
These are some examples of what I would love to see her wear during this summer. 
I hope you like it?

04 maj, 2012

Birthday -

I morgen bliver jeg 24 år. 
Forberedelserne er i fuld gang og huset bliver fuld af familie og gæster. Jeg glæder mig. 
Jeg fik smukke blomster med hjem fra arbejde og blev glad da jeg på loppemarked fandt to finde kander. 
Hav en dejlig fredag og en endnu mere fantastisk weekend. 

In english: 
I am turning 24 tomorrow so a lot of preparation needs to be done. 
I got beautiful flowers from my work the other day, I absolutely love them. 
Have a great friday. 

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